My yoga journey
LET GO of what I thought was my life, the "correct" path, to embark on a new journey.

HOW I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOGA My first yoga experience was not convincing at all. Happily I gave yoga a second try. I'm thankful that I had the chance to find out that yoga is so much more. It's a way of living. A lifestyle. It became my life.
HOW DID YOGA COME INTO MY LIFE? We all come to our mats for different reasons. Whether it is to calm the mind, become more flexible, cure back pain or invoke transformation, every reason is just as valid as the next. I came to my mat for the first time about 16 years ago, when my mother recommended to try yoga in order to find balance during stressful study times at university. I went to class twice. The bottom line was: I tried it. But no, yoga is not for me. Too boring. A few years later my sister convinced me to go to a Bikram Yoga class with her – from the first day I loved the challenging asana practice. Back then I had no idea that there is so much more to yoga than just asanas...

Yoga is the journey of the self,
through the self, to the self.

The Bhagavad Gita
FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOGA In 2010 I traveled to India for the first time. Coincidentally we ended up participating at a New Years Retreat in an ashram in Rishikesh, the holy city at the Ganges. This was the first time I got insights into what yoga really is. Immediately I fell in love with India. With yoga. With the spirituality that is omnipresent in daily life in India. During the last years I went to innumerable yoga classes, tried out different styles, took part in workshops and decided to apply for a Yoga Teacher Training in India - where the origins of yoga are. After weeks of very intensive training, I got certified as Yoga Teacher from Yoga Vidya Gurukul, a very authentic ashram and yoga school in Nasik, about five hours away from Bombay in India.
LET GO... TIME TO EMBARK ON A NEW JOURNEY Knowing that my passion is yoga, I decided to quit my office job in a US company in Munich to start a new chapter in my life. I finally had enough courage to let go of what I thought to be my life, the "correct" path to go. I participated in an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan in Thailand. It was an absolutely life-changing experience. I couldn't wait to share everything I learned there, so I started to teach classes in different yoga centers on the island just a day after the course was finished. Additionally, I became a Reiki practitioner and learned Traditional Thai Massage. In 2017 innerdance came into my life and has transformed my perception of life and myself in the deepest ways, and I've been sharing this powerful process for spiritual awakening with hundreds of people in the last three years.
Since 2014 I'm living the island life on Koh Phangan, endlessly grateful for this opportunity to share what I love, what transformed my life deeply, trying to inspire my students to follow their heart as well...