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Arrival by airplane


Flights from Bangkok to Koh Samui
The closest airport to Koh Phangan is on the neighboring island, Koh Samui. There are daily flights between Bangkok and Koh Samui through Bangkok Airways (flying time: 65 or 90 minutes). See for more information.

From Koh Samui, take a connecting ferry to Koh Phangan (see ferry info below). Ferry times and transportation to the pier can be arranged at the transportation counter in the Koh Samui airport.

Flights from Bangkok to Surat Thani
Air Asia and Nok Air provide daily flights from Bangkok to Surat Thani (flying time: 70 minutes). Each airline provides the option to combine the flight and connecting ferry ride on their website. Search for Koh Phangan (Thong Sala Pier) as the destination. This combination includes a shuttle from the airport to the pier.

Arrival by bus


There are many bus services (mostly sleeper buses) from Bangkok to Koh Phangan. Book a ticket at any travel agency in Bangkok. The journey takes about 10 hours to Donsak, the ferry port for boats going to Koh Phangan. From Donsak, the journey takes around 3 hours to Koh Phangan. Usually, the ferry is included in the price of the bus.

Arrival by ferry


Ferries from Samui to Koh Phangan
The Seatran ferry leaves Koh Samui at 08.00 and 13.00.
The Lomprayah ferry leaves Koh Samui at 08.00, 11.15, 12.30, and 17.00.
The Seatran pier is located near the airport, approximately a 10 minute drive.
The Lompraya pier is 50 minutes from the airport. Ferries arrive in Koh Phangan at Thong Sala Pier.

Ferries from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui
The Seatran ferry leaves Koh Phangan at 11.00 and 16.30.
The Lomprayah ferry leaves Koh Phangan at 07.15, 11.00, 12.00, and 16.20.
Local taxis are available at the pier in Thong Sala. Taxis are approximately 200 - 300 THB per person.

Arrival by train


Trains leave Bangkok several times a day; the trip takes an average of 12 hours. Sleeping booths are available for overnight trains. Book in advance to reserve a sleeper car. From the train station, transfer via taxi from Surat Thani station to Donsak pier (1½ hours). From Donsak Pier, take a ferry to Koh Phangan (3 hours).




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